WEBINAR: Selecting Indicators for Early Childhood Systems Change
Healthy child development should be within reach for every family. However, not every family with young children has access to the same resources and opportunities. We need access to data to identify where inequities exist and who is affected so we can effectively mobilize resources, communicate with our communities and policymakers, and understand whether our solutions are impacting key groups.
Click the link below to view this webinar on a new data resource for state and community leaders working to advance early childhood systems change, Selecting Indicators for Early Childhood Systems Change Projects: A Reference Guide. This guide was recently developed as part of Nemours’ Project HOPE to help groups working towards achieving optimal and equitable health outcomes for young children and their families to identify, select, and track data indicators that can inform and advance their efforts. Participants will be given an overview of the Reference Guide, tips on how to use the Reference Guide to support their work, and a walkthrough of the steps to take to select data indicators.
Georgia Thompson, MHS, Senior Program and Policy Analyst, Nemours Children’s Health System
Karah Mantinan, MPH, RD, Project Director, Altarum
Debra Andersen, Executive Director, Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness